starts singing baby shark at the top of my lungs for the heck of it
Chomping noice grows louder
screams as loud as possible
starts flossing and adds a drum beat to your scream
breaks through the door HERES JOHNNY!!!
runs away from house to many crazy people
yells at @potatofan and @FireStar WILL YOU 2 GET HER AWAY, SHES GONNA CANNIBALIZE ME
squeezes through hole in door and jumps towards any and all toes
i got you bro, start hitting her on the head with a oven mitt
Jumps out window, screaming ILL JOIN YOU
comes back to get snacks and phone hehe
hurry we dont got forever!!!
eats oven mitt
screams and runs face planting in my hast
gets up brushes myslef off and runs a safe distance and dabbing, you cant catch meeee
starts frantically running and screaming towards the ice cream shop @Combre is at
starts flying towards @Kjhaugen IMA GETCHUU!!!
wait ice cream wait for meeeee, your paying btw
run running towards the backyard tryin to jump fence