Advice: Selling Locally at Markets

People LOVE crocheted plushies, I’m only 12 and I’ve sold over $600 dollars worth of plushies at a market, and over $200 at my first. I never thought I’d be able to succeed with my crochet business, but like many others, it took off. I believe in you! You can do it!! :heart_hands:


I am checking it out right now. Wow, that is so amazing! I’ve never heard of anything like this I will incorporate this with my custom orders and some items I won’t be selling at my Markets. Thank you!


Thank you! Just the motivation I needed. I’m not good with amigurumi crochet, but I will start by trying to make bees and sell them since they are unisex item. What do you suggest as a beginner in amigurumi that sells well?

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No problem! Wishing you the best with your business :hugs:


People usually love the tofu the tortoise pattern from Etsy ( I forget who it’s by lol ) and pretty much any fidget toy. :smiling_face: Any pattern from Cable and Canvas on Etsy is a pretty good seller. Also, leggy frogs sell pretty well. It really just depends on the crowd of people at the market. (This is gonna sound really weird, but…) people like plushies with butts. Give it a butt, and people want it. Hope this helps! :grin: