
Hey! So I was making a pattern and realized that two of my peices were too big but I had already finished them off. So I went to put them in my container of unfinished or uneeded parts and I know deep down that I wont use them again and I was wondering what you guys do with these peices? I dont want to be wasteful and throw them out but I also dont know what to use them for.


I either cut them up or find a way to them


I used to be able to un-fasten off. Idk how to describe it, but if I accidentally FOd, I could pull on certain strands/loops and it would come off. I can still do that, but idk how to explain it. I recommend pulling on random parts of the last stitch and getting back your yarn!


Like @Axolotlllll said you can undo fo. I do it all the time if its a flat piece and to fo you just cut the yarn an pulled up its easiest. So to do it first get a sewing needle and put it under the v part of your stich and pull that out, you should then have the end and the v should now be sticking up as a loop. Then look to the left of the last stich you did and on the side there should be a little loop this can be a little hard to see so i recommend pulling the yarn a little so it tightens and then you can see it. Put you needle under that loop and pull your yarn through it now the tail should undo your piece. You can also undo it if you closed it of by fo and then looping the yarn around the stiches and closing the hole but its a little harder.

I dont know if that was the clearest explanation or if thats what you needed but it might help someone :woman_shrugging:t3:


I didn’t know you could unfasten the yarn. Thanks!


Thank you for the explanation! I’ll have to mess around with them some.


i cut them and use as stuffing