Thank you for submitting to my will and clicking a button! Everyone reply to this post with whatever weird thing you think I should draw and the one with the most likes I’ll draw and color, the one with the second and third most I’ll do a sketch of. NOW GO MY LOVELY LITTLE MINIONS!
A axolotl holding a knife
yessss!!! i love that idea @craftycellist
GNARPY!111!! <3 a red panda with angry issues /hj uh a random oc u think would fit with the gravity falls plot
A family portrait of the pines family.
@Axolotlllll U MUST SEE
i think you should draw you and ribbot coloring together in therapism
an emo cat with three eyes and emotional issues (idk ).
I SEE (cs)
OOH COOL! AND ADD FIREEEE! (Wait a min, is that supposed to be ME?!)
Wilford the Bearded Lizard Wizard
a dnd character that I have not had the chance to use, but love regardless
(A bearded dragon with a poorly attatched fake beard and a clearly taped-together wizard hat. Truly a thing of wonder, Wilford is.
Ghostface in a bunny suit
A dog that eats a cat the cat eats a mouse all of this happens in a office in front of the boss that are a bunny the bunny has a ester egg computer all the animals have costumes and a tie
I’ll do you one better, an OPOSSUM HOLDING A KNIFE
A horse with a frog head ):3
A cat that has a axolotl holding a knife on its head :D and there’s fire and chaos happening in the background
We gotta do the classic and since there is a them to that madness, a duck
holding a knife
A donkey wearing a bowtie.