does anyone else’s mind just go completely on autopilot while they’re crocheting? like I’ll just be grinding incs and scs and all that good stuff and I realize that I have no idea wth I’m doing… like I wasn’t even counting my stitches or anything… just zoning out
it’s hilarious while people catch me in that zone though - they say I look p!ssed
yesss, it’s at those times i am counting, but so in the zone i forget to reattach my stitch marker, so im completely lost
for reall!! i’ll be so disoriented when I snap out of it… so incredibly lost
I’ll be like-
"huh…wait. what-what am I doing… "
i’ll have to go all the way around like 8 times to count the stitches and what row I’m on and then double check it… and triple check it… and— etc.
i just wind up frogging until i know where i am (normally to the magic ring )
i zone out most when making mrs so… yeah I can relate to that too lol
Yess, recently I was making @craftycellist’s mesh t shirt (btw go get it when it comes out, awesome pattern) and it just… finished itself? Mesh goes so quick!
“finished itself” … yep, that’s about how it goes
Yes definitely! Especially with blankets and stuff
Yessss I’m planning to get and make that soon!
Im zoning out making my granny sq crop cardigan, thats why im listening to pop rock !
Yeah, just one bad thing…I think about my book, that I’m writing and then end up crocheting forever, but not knowing abt it
pop rock is awesomeeee