i-im sorry for you mads
I actually only have 17 currently, way better than it used to be lol. But like half of them are due today or a couple days ago and I’m getting stressed out
Girl when you get done with that summer top you gotta show me that is so cute
Maddie, once you read this…GET OFF OF THE COMMUNITY TAB AND GET THAT DOGGY DONE FOR NESSIE!!! It’s 4 days late and I don’t see a journal yet! Oh and the penguin, it’s 12 days late! You can do it!!! And when you do, I’ll accept you for another one I guess
Also maybe think about sorting them by due date
YOU CAN DO IT!!! GO MADDIE GOOOOO!!! (complete sentence)
Just one! Its the market sea buddies by wooligurumi (as shown on @littlemisswonderful’s testing tab)
#1 It seems weird to see my pattern in sombody’s testing section
#2 YOU (and @bulldogcrochetss) ARE SO LUCKY TO TEST FOR @wooliamigurumis! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THAT PATTERN AND I REALLY WANTED TO TEST!!! I really hope I can test for them in the future
#1: haha yea
#2 awww thxx i didn’t think i’d get picked out of 91 ppl!
@bulldogcrochetss and @littlemisswonderful , you were both so lucky to be chosen
I will
I think some of that is self inflicted!
omggg maddie why so many… FORGET ABT MIN AND FINISH THE OTHERS
Heart means done!
Star means i need to sew/add details.
Cloud means WIP.
The rest I haven’t started lol.
The watermelon ISNT LATE! I turned it in on time, it just hasn’t been gifted yet lol. And the pouch date is wrong
Shoutout to @FluffyYarnCreations for making me finish 8 tests last night!!! Ty Ari!
(( not as much as Maddie’s
thank god its not like maddies
mine’s empty!! i don’t have a lot of time (or space to keep all the creatures) so i only apply when i really really love the item (fingers crossed the next thing i’ll get to test will be @Hannahelise96 's next weather cow )
ofc!!! you needed to get them done >:D