I need testers for my Succulent Turtle - Crochet ePattern
Due Date: 27th Jan 2025 but i know willing to give extensions (I finished it in 1 day including making the pattern)
This is a plant themed collab with @littlemisswonderful
Additional Requirements:
You may use whatever yarn and hook your heart desires
Please make a journal with with a clear photo with an uncluttered background etc, a journal is required
Be okay with me using your journal image on social media like YouTube, Pinterest and Ribblr. I will give you credit with your Ribblr username unless you would like a different name used
Report an issues or typos no matter how small into the gc I will create
Please do NOT apply if you don’t think you can finish on time. Do NOT ghost or you will be removed with a warning
Please be active in the group chat I create, if you are not getting notifs for it send me a dm (I will create the gc after everyone is chosen but I will accept you as you comment)
I can give an extension of a couple days if needed but I made mine in a day including writing the pattern
If you do not comment on this post I will not accept you
Use a plant and/or turtle emoji so i know you have read everything!
If you can’t test but would’ve liked to I can tag you in the release if you’d like!
People who wanted to be tagged (as of like 2 weeks ago lol):
@StellaStitches @TheForestFrog
@TheEnchantedCrafter @CrochetingKiwi @AnnabethSlays @aeryneso @ScotchTape @aeriii @Bobacat123 (to be continued)