Thats awesome! Theyre my dream dog!
it tells me I already signed up :(
I just created my account a couple of weeks ago, is that why it doesn’t let me sign up?
Are you just plain @?
Thats the only one i see showing up
I just accepted someone. Was that you?
no :(
I just set up my account, do you see anything like “WhimsiPlush” or anything like that ?
I see you on here, but not in my testing.
Well I believe it’s because I’m a new user so I cannot apply for a testing just yet.
Don’t worry about it tho! Thanks for answering so fast and being patient !!
I have an idea! Lemme DM you
I don’t think signed up to be a tester right but would love to try!!!
5mm hook with some plush yarn
Thanks for letting me test! I will get started asap
Just a question, it says we have 0 days to complete it. Does that mean it is due now or is there no due date?
You did it just right! I accepted you
Lemme see if i can fix that! Its due the 18th
And also for me there is no instruction so I don’t know have I am ment to complete this.
Ok thank you so much!
Hang on technical difficulties
It’s ok take ur time I can wait!
Shall I leave the test and then apply again and if I do will you add me back???!!!