I need testers for my No-Sew Cherry - Crochet ePattern
Due Date:January 31st
Additional Requirements:
No gosting
I will chose 4-5 testers sometime on Monday
I need a good picture
Use cherry colors
Comment what size yarn and hook you’ll use and add a cherry emoji so I know that you read all of the requirements
Click pattern photo to apply:
so cute! gl w testing!
So cute! GL with testing.
This is the first pattern test I’ve created so please tell me if I’m doing anything wrong
Baby dolphin yarn and a 3.5 mm -4mm hook
Oooh I would love to test that! It’s so cuteI would use red and green parfait chunky yarn with a 4 mm crochet hook
That’s adorable! Gl with testing!
I would love to test and would use posh or blaket yarn. I would use a 5mm with posh and a 6.5mm with blanket
Make sure to read all of the requirements
I love it!
I will be using a size 6 yarn in parfait chunky and a 4.5mm hook. Can’t wait to test if I get chosen!!
So cute!
Will they be free??
I’m not 100% sure yet but it’s probably going to be paid
Oh… they are SO cute you would definitely earn some money!! (Sadly I can’t buy patterns )
I will use bernat blanket yarn and a 5.5 or 6mm hook. Suoer cute btw!
I can’t figure out how to close my tester call but it is closed