I entered I love the safest format. Also this seems interesting
- 10 weeks
- 6-7 days
Applied! Sounds like fun! I also really need to use up more yarn!
I speak brainrot
Guys cancel @chunkyy she signed in as ur mom
don’t cancel my mother
Why not she watching a movie rn I know my girl more than u do
Done :D!!!
Awww damn I don’t have a google account
Exciting and sound fun. Applied
I have applied! And i really hope i get picked!
but she’s my mother therefore that makes her uncancellable
Entered! Sounds like so much fun!! Good luck to those chosen!!!
I dont think you need one
Also, when will people be chosen to particapate?
I will sign up when i can! My phone has dumb parental controls so i cant visit simple websites. When i get home i can use my chromebook.
I thought that I would have more than a 1/4 chance of getting in this time. But congrats on 60+ applications! This is definitely gonna be a great outcome!
i really got my wrist injured in the worst time
goodluck to everyone <33
Is there a way I can follow/watch this time to see how it goes? Might be interesting in trying out next time if it happens regularly.
this person will make posts for people to vote on the best made project! that way you can keep up with each new round