I was wondering if anyone knew if Ribblr charges you to set up selfee of for every sale you make?
I’m wondering wether or not to set it up
I was wondering if anyone knew if Ribblr charges you to set up selfee of for every sale you make?
I’m wondering wether or not to set it up
Yes…it is 4% I believe with a minimum of 25 cents. (USD)
Selfee is automatic and has no fee or set up.
All you need to do is have people click the link to your shop.
Oh ok tysm!
@ Ribblr pls close this post
…I didn’t mean to cut someone off if there was something to add!
(I didn’t see the replying marker until after I hit the close button. My apologies.)
Nothing to add haha! I was just going to say it’s better to tag the leaders instead of Ribblr :]
No problem!
That’s correct - part of what the Leaders are here for!
I’ll go ahead and officially close it now