February Challenge?!

So cute!!

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iā€™ve made pattern number three now! itā€™s a jumbo four legged cat! i need to make a collar which iā€™ll do later and then iā€™ll send pics!


I just recently finished this adorable flower duck.
Pattern is by @crochetedbyel .

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iā€™m working on the fourth pattern of february! itā€™s a black rainbow cow print brontosaurus!! bit random ik but itā€™s a commission for my friend lol.


pattern no 6!! also made an axolotl patternā€¦ i rlly need to keep up with pics lol

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this is the four legged cat!! i also made a loaf tiger patternā€¦ i think iā€™ve made eight patterns now? pretty good seeing as itā€™s the ninth of feb lol

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