omg did i tell you the story of how my phone gave me a second degree burn two years ago that i still hsve the scar for-
mezmerizer is so good but i have a habit of reading the english sub when i listen to a song for the first time and o m g some of these are crazy
goodbye? ? ? what ? ? ? miku we love you no </3
and ikkkk im glad mesmorizer hc’s have brought her back bc she was litterally abandonned
Hai! Im happy your back!
same! btw, your pfp is adorableeeeessss
hey! i’m bunny
Hai! I’m Pineapplesaurus, or just Pineapple works fine!
meep im not as darn awesome as you tho :00000
Hi Ariiii!! Happy early birthdayyyy
Also, ty for the cookie :3 *nom nom
Hellooooooo! I’m Lois, or Lolo— Idrc what you call me. I’m not sure if we’ve talked before (probably not since I don’t talk on chat much), but basically, I’m just an average girl who’s obsessed with crocheting and reading. You can read my profile if you want to know what else I like. Anywayyyyy, thank you for the cookie! :D
hi! :3
pineapplesaurus is such a cute name omg
whats your fave book?
ty :3
im glad you like the cookie, i made it myself. it took 7 hours
oh hi lolo! i dont think we’ve talked before :<
whats your fav book?
Right now, my favorite books are the Keeper of the Lost Cities series. I also really like the Jane Austin books.
oh ive been wanting to read kotlc!
You should!! They’re reallyyyyyy good
hi ari!! you can call me sleepy! happy early birthday, good luck on your book, and i get how hard school can be <3 i hope youre doing ok
Hi I’m flora I have a insta shop called the crocheting hen house. And I am thinking of making a ribblr shop to. Nice to meet you here is a pic of one of my 11 chickens
hi! :3
thank you! and its fine right now, just dealing with way too much work considering we just go tback from break
we have chickens too, we have three black ones and three brown ones! the black ones have like iredecent feathers :3