How can i change the colours on a chart

I need help

So I want to try making a tapestry crochet chart, I’ve figured out how to pull up the chart and how to adjust the amount of stiches and rows but i cant figure out how to change the colours. I looked in the little information thing and it says to add them to the materials list then to hold down on the colours but i cant get it to work

Thank you for any help


I don’t know I don’t do tapestry crochet but maybe @ribblr would know


Add the colors you are using in the pattern you are adding the chart to. Then you will get the choice in the chart. Let me know if you have any other questions. Working on one myself in my spare (hahaha) time.


Do you mean add them in the materials list because i have tried that and cant get it to work,


Yes, add them to the pattern first. Then to the chart. Maybe you have to add the chart to the pattern first also. Not sure.

I just checked mine. I am using a Chromebook. When adding the color, I had to do either the alt right click, or Ctrl right click. Not sure. Then it brought up the choices. My other laptop just did a right click and it brought it up. I checked my phone also and I just had to hold the color to change 2 seconds first.

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I was on my tablet but now im on my dads laptop its working. It might be it only works on laptops thanks for the help :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’ve Never done tapestry, Sorry

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