How Do You Guys Get Nice Pictures?

I’m relatively new to the Instagram/Product shooting gang. Due to health issues, most of my crocheting is finished or done at night, thus, I feel my pictures on both Instagram and Ribblr and lackluster.

Does anyone have any tips for how to get better-looking photos? I use a galaxy S21 for photos as I don’t have access to a “nice” camera (in the traditional camera sense). First, I’m obviously going to hold back my urge to immediately take a photo at night - I’ll wait till daytime now.

Any feedback is appreciated loads! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Whenever I finish a project at night I wait til the next day to take pictures outside. For smaller products I have a light box from Amazon that helps.

Props can help at times depending on the project (I get my props from the dollar store or Target’s $5 Below section and I have a couple dress forms, and foam heads, for any clothing items).

As for cameras, I use my phone (iPhone 12 Pro) as well as my Nikon D3500. Both take great photos! But the editing is key when it comes to product photos.

I use the Adobe Lightroom app to edit my photos. The app is beginner friendly. There are YouTube tutorials to help if you get stuck.

I also look on Pinterest to get inspiration for product photo shoots.

Don’t know if that helps or not.


Backdrop of my yarn shelves or a backdrop I made out of plywood and a wood grain sticker art I found at the dollar store. A ring light that’s adjustable up to 6ft tall or I use natural light from windows or outdoors.
I also use props sometimes to make the photo more eye catching.
I only have an iphone8 and it does the trick I only use photo apps for adding my logo and that’s about it.
Some also use phone lens you can clip over the phone to create effects. I’ve seen them on Amazon.


Oh, you all doing all this …… makes me exhausted.


The things we do for instagram :rofl::rofl::rofl:


If ur taking photos outside make sure u dont have any shadows in ur pictures : )


I wouldn’t call my pictures fancy, but they are well lit.
My kitchen is in a corner with 2 walls of windows, so I just wait till morning and take them there.
I’m not going to go to any great lengths, they are what they are.


I normally take pics in the day when it’s sunny and try to find an aesthetically pleasing spot and I dunno if u can do this on your phone but my sister has a samsung and there’s this thing where you can find the best spot , it appears on the screen so u can take the best photo.

Hope this helps.
Happy crocheting:)


happy cake day:birthday: :smiling_face:!


I photo in sunlight and samsung has photo editing options built in that allow you to adjust the settings to get a truer colour look (most the time). I sometimes still have issues getting true colours but it helps a lot. Its a bit of a pain to slide back and forth trying to find the right look but I find its worth it to step up my photos.


my pictures aren’t fancy and i don’t have a proper set up but i do have a nice yard and a good quality camera on my phone (iphone x). i usually lay my item on the grass and during golden hour and take a couple photos. i don’t post them but i like to have them! if the item is wearable, i have someone take a picture of me in the light by the tree in my front yard, i hope this helps :slight_smile:


Fellow night crocheter! I only get to crochet while my kids asleep. I’m also new to insta and my only camera is a phone so we’re in the same boat, here’s what I’ve figured out.

Yes wait till morning to photo. I’ve got an exception with one item I put a light in, dark makes it show better. If you want to take dark photos for asthetic, make sure to take a light one with it too.

I use a white blanket near a window to eliminate as many shadows as possible. I’ve seen people use setups with white printer paper too. The idea is just white will reflect light back onto the item. Besides that I’ve found going outside gets the best results.

I’ve been trying lately holding it up against my wall since it’s light and easier then trying to setup a table around my kid but it’s not getting good results. :sweat:


Thank you so so much everyone! I’m definitely going to try it, on top of lightroom I think I may use Canva for some nice little emojis to go with it or something.


I take pictures outside! I know taking them at night is tempting, but you’ll get way better pics in bright natural light. I also suggest doing it by a bush or tree because they look so good with leaves in the background!


Yeah! I have a Japanese Maple in my front yard, so I tried taking some there. I’m going to do some light editing as well and see if it makes them pop a little bit more!


Thank you! :hugs:


I didnt even see that till your reply! Happy cakeday! <3 Hope it was wonderful! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you :blush: it was a good day.


Take your photos maybe in portrait, edit with the filters i have a Samstag Galaxy S10+