I'm being the change I want to see

Preach it girl Preach it, “Chefs Kiss” amazing. You tell them


If you do the random drawing for a giveaway that will only pull a follower,but it doesn’t match follower to wishlist, so it may be a pattern they don’t want. If you go to your shop and look at your sales, you will get the names of people that actually supported you and can just give them a gift.
The giveaway matches those that liked your shop, not those that purchased from you…unless you made the patten follower only, but to what end? You can’t target them except with another giveaway which you could do before. You can’t see who liked your shop and they don’t have to buy anything to like it.


Ah, that’s a little disappointing. I thought it was more targeted then that. I suppose I can just undo all that because I don’t like that it makes a weird stack of sections in my shop.


So, having followers feels good, but as of right now, there is no negative affect to not having them.


When I gave out all those knitting patterns, I assumed they were going to people that liked the pattern I was drawing for… Turns out at least half of them do not even knit and had not clicked on a knitting patten.


:weary: I gotta admit I would have been in the same boat, I have knitting needles but have just had no luck figuring it out. That’s a real bummer.


You know, I’ve been doing both for nearly 50 years and I still find knitting easier.


I tried to make a sweater cause I thought it would be something that was common I suppose and there should be a million tutorials. It was just killing me, it might have been the needles I was given they were connected together by a wire. Maybe I was just using the wrong tool for the job.

There’s a video on my Instagram of me friggin the thing when I gave up :rofl:


Oh no!
If you ever decide to try again, I highly recommend very pink knits and her super slow motion series. But she also does different ways to hold the needles and yarn because not everyone is the same… After that it’s a matter of practice practice practice till you find your own way


Ohh thank you :heart:


Your offer to let people test your patterns in exchange for journals is an excellent way to get participation and marketing while getting your pattens into the hands of people that like them. I did something similar last year with good results.


I’m glad I was able to reach someone. :blush:


Sadly I keep getting ghosted for the most part :sweat_smile:


I’m sorry that has happened to you, you can always just remove everyone that is not already removed and open a new test call.


Seems that’s what I’ll have to so, I just don’t like to the same as I don’t like to bump my own threads or post my own releases/benchmarks because I just feel like I’m being annoying.


it depends on what it is… nobody wants to see multiple threads concerning the same item/topic when “bumping the thread” or editing the title and commenting would have sufficed…but if you still need testers, you still need testers and sometimes closing the old thread and opening a new one wil get a different crop of people that either were not here yet or were not free to do it the first time around.


I do like the giveaway feature! I have had fun with that. And I’m doing another giveaway in June.


I didnt mind testing for you… its weird people ghost. I wonder if starting a list of people who are good testers vs bad ones would help. This is another reason i myself havent done a tester call…
hopefully this gets better


As a rule, I generally don’t test… Besides not really having the time and not liking amigurumi, I tend to be far more advanced than what is put up and I don’t want to take a slot for a newer person


@anon5108995 yeah I thought about picking up a few tests so I have something to do when the baby’s asleep but did notice a lot of them seem to be for beginners and I feel bad. I know I tend to put up easier patterns too since it seems like they’ll be most appealing to the most people, aaand the harder ones are hard to get testers for because they’ll take longer then an hour. :laughing:

I’ve considered doing that, I just kinda feel bad about it but feel I’m gonna have to. @CosmikEluminatedC