I made it into town yesterday and stopped in at Joann’s to shop for some yarn. I have 3 projects on tap for February. 2 requests, one is a commission and a 3rd one for me. Purchased all the yarn I needed for the projects, yay, and I got a Ribblr code on the bottom of my receipt
That rainbow skien looks sooooo cool
I kind of wish I had gotten a few more of those, they are really pretty and were on sale for $3.49 a piece. I am going to attempt some mosaic crochet projects with it
Wow that is a LOT!
It was a big buy for me, I think my husband shed a few tears at the checkout, lol, but I wanted to make sure I had enough to complete the projects and if there is any left afterwards, I can use it to make other things with it, lol
Wow nice! Which pattern did you claim?
I still havent figured out how to redeem it from the receipt yet, lol, but once I do I will get one. I keep going in a circle.
Those are all such bright and pretty colors!
I finally figured out how to do it and I got Tora the Tiger
Thank you, I had fun trying to pick the colors I needed and got a sparkly gray for the grandma doll’s hair and sparkly pink for the hippos tutu
Living vicariously through you while also manifesting the big rubbermaid filled with yarn that my uncle found lol