Knitted Kitten Tester Call

Let me know if I did it right and what else I need to do :sparkling_heart:

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Hi , you did everything right :blush:
I hope you enjoy marking her , please feel free to use any colour you want and please feel free to contact me if you have any questions
Please note that you have until the 24th of February to complete it
I can’t wait to see your kitten :blush:
I apologize that there are no pictures in the pattern, I will send you them if you want :grin: I have sent you the pattern :slightly_smiling_face:
Thank you again for applying to test :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi , please can you click on the picture so I can send you the pattern :slightly_smiling_face: thank you :blush:
Here is the link :slightly_smiling_face:
Tester call for Knitting:Knitted Muffin The Cat Free Pa - Testing zone - Ribblr community

Thank you so much, my dpns showed up yesterday, yay, and I found the pattern in my testing section, I will get started this evening :grinning: I am so excited :sparkling_heart:

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I am so sorry, I am now no longer able to test, but thank you for the opportunity

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Hi! Do you think it would be possible to knit without dpns?

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Yes , you will just need to knit it flat :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi , no problem at all :grin:
Thank you for showing an interest in applying through :grin:

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Hi , I am glad them came :grin::grin:
I hope you enjoy making it !!!
Thank you again for helping me :grin::grin::grin::grin:

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Ok thank you I would love to test it!


luv this!!! only downside i cant knit :sob: but lmk if u have any crochet patterns you need to test


Hi , I do :blush:
I would love to have you as tester :blush::blush:
Would you still be interested? :smiling_face::smiling_face:

Thank you :blush:
I was hoping people would be interested in knitting it :smiling_face:

sorry i have a really tight schedule this year i dont even know if i can fit my crocheting in!! tysm for the offer though!!

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Hi , no problem :blush:

Its sooo cute, but sadly i cant knit

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Hi , no problem :blush:
I do have a crochet pattern if you would be interested in testing :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:


Ooooooh! I will have a look and see if im not busy!!!

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i cant rly knit tho :(


I don’t knit :(

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