hello lovelies! i’ve been on ribblr for exactly…runs to check my profile…ahem 75 days now, and let me tell you, i have no regrets from joining this platform. i’ve made so many AMAZING friends (seriously, the community here is the sweetest), i’ve found many many many cool patterns, learned a lot, and had sooo much fun!!
tagging some of my favorite people:
more in the replies!!
i love all of y’all so much i’ve been on several online communities but ribblr, by far, has the kindest, most well meaning people out of all of them. i’m so thankful for all of my friends, and i’m looking forward to getting to know you all better next year! i hope you all have an amazing christmas (if you celebrate), and i love every single one of you (even the people i didn’t tag)<33
also, a big, big thank you to @Ribblr!! they’re the reason we’re all able to be here and talk to each, test each others patterns, and have a safe space. so again, thank you, ribblr!!! and thank you to everyone else, for helping to make this platform the wonderful thing that it is. xx