I feel like I want to write a pattern, but I don’t know what it would be then… I’ve never really wrote a pattern before, I’ve tried but never got myself the motivation to finish it……
So I’ll let u choose!
The idea that gets most liked/requested will I make into a pattern.
A floppy ferret or a snuggler cat
do you make clothes or ammigurumi?
Amigurumi! Sry for not being clear
its ok, you can prolly make a ferret. a ferret is really cute
moose! or a barnyard cow on all 4’s!
I find that figuring out how to write a pattern for your favourite kind of thing to create is sometimes the easiest-
But i do also think that bags are good ways to learn to write patterns.
A simple, crossbody bag with a flap cover is always a gpod choice to try your hand at patterning.
You can then figure out how you want different stitches to interact on a flatter, easier to count surface.
Tomorrow I’ll start making the ’winning’ pattern. If u have an idea, but have not suggested it yet, or have not liked the idea you like the best, please do it soon!