Hi everyone! I’m just starting out as a pattern designer and just wanted to put myself out there. I started my business in 2022 selling my products at local markets and shops and now I’m trying my chance at putting myself online. I’m working on unique patterns to establish my brand and get people involved in the world I’m creating, starting with the Witch Stranger, my brand new pattern that you can purchase now!
I would really appreciate anyone checking out my account and my other social media and possibly following and sharing any of my posts. It would really help me out!
I really hope to expand more so that I can expand my world of the creatures I’ve started creating. I want to be able to use my business to not only help myself financially but to brighten people’s days :)
Ooh the little witch looks amazing! Good luck on your designing journey!
The world you’re creating with your pattern sounds fascinating! Good luck with building your business
Here are the links for your shop and pattern:
ooooh i love it! im super excited to see all the new patterns you come up with!!