Photos in patterns

A question for all you lovely people!

What types of photos/content do you look for in your patterns :thinking: I noticed Boo-Beary doesn’t have many…

However now that I’m working on my peep, I’ve thought about adding a photo of each steps progress…But I’m curious, do you prefer videos (outside of ribblrs) or photos…Sometimes I feel like photos can be confusing, so I’m curious what type of content you like in your patterns, if any?


If it’s just to show how a step goes, a photo usually does the trick. If it’s a complicated technique or something that requires special stitches, or something that takes longer, then go for a video.

You don’t need to put photos at every single steps, but it’s good to have pictures at different stages of the pattern so the user knows what the project is supposed to look like.


and don’t forget most of the stitches in ribblr’s stitch library already come with built in videos, so you don’t have to enter those.


Yea Im trying to figure out how I want to elaborate on the ear part, as its hard to explain verbally but I know that a photo can only do so much…Maybe I should add a video on that bit


Thank goodness they do! Because thats a whole other level of “step by step” photos!


The more visuals the better! Can be pictures, but I prefer videos BUT only if you can see what is being done.


I like to always include steps for any “special stitches” for example, if it’s a mesh stitch, I’ll do a step by step for that. I also like to include photos of the construction of the pattern! It will give a nice visual for those who may be beginners, or if for any reason the wording was confusing for them. Sometimes all it takes is a photo to make things “click” in your mind if that makes sense :sweat_smile:


Yes! I wasn’t sure if it would end up misleading lol

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Hmm…Im thinking a video would be better for the ears, but I know I am by no means set up to film :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Some of these amigurumi bloggers held the phone in their boobs and filmed what they were doing that way!

What? Where? :open_mouth: I need to know because of… reasons :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well, I know for a fact curious papaya did!

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I’m not founding any references to boobies holding phones on that blog :open_mouth:

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Im flatter than a brick :skull:

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Oh, I don’t remember where she said it. But, talked about it when she was advertising for a lamp or phone stand.
How did you get through her blogs so fast? Do you have a scanner or sumfin ?

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Ha, ha, ha! Well, that idea won’t help will it?

:sweat_smile: well from my browser it showed only two blog entries

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