hey guys!!
I was wondering if anybody had any suggestions of where I could sell items I crocheted. I can’t really drive super far to any markets/fairs so idk Do you think setting up a stand in a public place like a park would be good?? let me know your ideas please!!! :)
I’m pretty sure to do that you need a vendor licence?
Yea I think you need a permit or something if you want to sell anywhere outside your personal property even if it is a public place.
I didn’t think about that… Ty for telling me lol
yea… :)
Do you have a local farmers market?
You can sell stuff online!!
Smart, website ideas?? :)
No… :( good idea thou
Maybe Etsy??
yeah, I might check it out :)
Etsy, Ko-fi, Shopify to make your own, Ribblr, Facebook Marketplace, etc etc
Thank you for the ideas! :)
If the items you make are from patterns available on Ribblr, you can sell the finished objects (called makes) here on Ribblr. Search the help center (click on the purple words, they are a link) and search on makes to learn more details
Yes, some of them are :) Thank you for the help!