Ribblr Monthly Awards πŸ† Feb '24 - winners announced!


:trophy: Pattern of the Month award goes to…

60% of you voted for our winner - Dotty the giraffe - Amigurumi pattern by Hugurumitoys @Hugurumitoys
Congrats :clap:

:trophy: Shop of the Month award goes to…

With 52% of the vote, you picked devout hand @devouthand as our winner!
congratulations! :tada:

:trophy: Make of the Month award goes to…

Aqua dragon made by @ErisArt (Pattern by HuggleNHooks ) (@erisart)
Huge congrats!

:tada: Congratulations to all our winners! You just won some amazing prizes, including unique badges, $elFee points and more

Giveaway winner :gift:

Our giveaway winner that was randomly picked is @BeaniebeanOMG
Please let us know which pattern you wish to get (here or via DM).
You can choose from the winning pattern, a pattern from our new Shop of the Month or the pattern used for our Make of the Month!