(Closed) Tester call for Crochet: Guinea Pig - Call #2

I need testers for my Guinea Pig - Crochet ePattern
Due Date: May 10 (if you need extra time, let me know before the due date!)
Call End: April 28 - (will accept testers as the applications come in)
Additional Requirements: Any natural color(s) - can have 1 or 2 colors depending if you want to work using the color changes - any size yarn or hook works - can add a nose if desired as well - safety eyes or embroidered ones
If you have any questions, let me know!
Click pattern photo to apply:


I am testing this pattern and found a mistake but there is no chat made for it and click to contact tester and get page not found.

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I am so sorry! I will make a chat right now! Thank you! - Edit: I made the chat - so sorry!

Unfortunately, since I am new to the platform, I cannot edit my post after the first 24 hours to close it. Sorry for any inconveniences caused!