Tester call for Crochet:No-sew Blob Birds!!

You used plush yarn for once!!! I’m so proud of you! (jk)

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lol :rofl:! I used to use it for EVERYTHING but then I realized that acrylic yarn existed and it was so cheap :woman_facepalming:! (I have a LOT of it though, so you definitely be seeing more of it :rofl:)


Are you still accepting testers?

Omg I cannot believe I haven’t noticed this testing in the community tab!!! I would love to test. I have yellow, brown and some beigish white yarn. I don’t get how you are so fast making the patterns. Good luck with testing!! :parrot: :heartpulse:

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If you are still excepting testers i would love to test! I would probably use white and teal acrylic yarn(white for the body teal for the features)and a 4mm hook, and i will probably make the wizard hat unless you have added the beanie then i will definitely do that :bird:🩵

Yay!!! (I’m weird)

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If it’s not too late to apply as a tester, I’d love to be involved!
I think I’d use a light pink or blue and yellow acrylic yarn, and a 3mm hook.

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