Give me feedback if you found problems with the pattern (difficult parts, count error, typo error,…).
English is not my native language, so if you are native, I would like to know if there are any grammatical mistakes, or weird formulations.
Level: advanced
You need to be comfortable with sewing, embroidering, crocheting around wires. You need to be observant, pay attention to the details in order to have a neat and symmmetrical result. There are all the detailed instructions and pictures in the pattern, so as long as you take your time, it should be fine
Using metal wire. I will also pick a tester with no wire to try a wireless option, but i would like mostly testers with wire, since you will get the best result with it. I never tried them, but pipe cleaners could also be an option if that’s what you are used too. You can find metal wire in craft parts of shops.
Yarn: you can use any yarn you want. I used light acrylic to get this size.
Colors: you can use any colors you want. The base for the pattern is the paper wasp. I made it with a twilight theme, but if you like, you can for example do it on another theme and replace the moon and stars by something else, or even use realistic colors (note that the rest of the pattern shape must be the same).
Beads: i used small glass beads for the stars, but if you don’t have any, you can embroider instead.
Sewing needle and thread: you will need them if you want the same result for embroidery details, but you can also embroider it in your own way if you don’t have any.
Wire pliers are useful to manipulate wire and sewing needles.
For applying, please let me know what colors you would like to use, and tell me if you have metal wire, sewing needle and thread.
wow What a cool pattern and product you have created. I have used wire frames internally for several projects. I can sew and embroider - have all the needed materials - I would either use blue or a red yarn - have to double check my stash.
holy- this is literally the most detailed and realest piece of art/crochet I have ever seen in my entire life whatttt
good luck with testing! this is so cool!
Wowowowow (((o(゚▽゚)o))) THIS IS SOOO COOL LIKE WHAAAAAT
Ur so talented :3 you should be proud of yourself for making such a detailed and beautiful pattern!! I luv it so much <33333
Wishing u the best <3 hope u get amazing testers!!!
This looks so epic, Solne! I don’t have wires, but I do have pipe cleaners I could use for that part. I wouldn’t mind doing the no-wires option, as well. I would be using wgt 4 yarn, if chosen.
Also, I have wire and pliers handy since I make jewelry and other sculpture-based artworks. (Beads, needles, and thread also exist here)
I have a TON of colours, so almost anything under the rainbow can be found, but i would try to get as close to the pattern as possible- OR if you would rather me do realistic colours, I can.
I can even do Transformers Animated Waspinator colours just to be really weird.
This is gorgeous i’m loving these bug patterns, you’ve done so well with them! I want to test so badly but i think i need to take a lil break from bigger projects
Good luck with testing!! Ill keep an eye out for release!