What do you do when you are out of mood?

Do you know that feeling when you don’t wanna do anything, like you’re out of mood for no reason. And you’re literally crying for no reason.
So what do you do to get out of that bad mood?
For me it’s listening to music in the middle of the night in the balcony.:purple_heart::sparkles:


Could be fluctuation of hormones. You educate yourself and use those tools that best fit you.


Ok, so this happened to me with crocheting pretty recently…

So, when school let out, it SO did not feel like summer to me. I was just not in the mood for doing anything! Result: I did nothing. I wanted to crochet but at the same time didn’t, but, when we went on vacation, I finally wanted to crochet again! For real! So I got back at it and have been “going strong” if you will! :sparkling_heart:

Maybe doing something a little different for a change might help? Also, give it time, sometimes all you need is a little bit of that.


Thanks for your support, I really needed it.:purple_heart:


I make my comfort food and drink, get in bed and rewatch one of my favourite kdramas.
If its a workweek i usually do that everyday after work until weekend, but if its a weekened it only lasts till the middle of the night or the next day when waking up.
I’m a night person so i do more in the dead of night, thats my only explanation why it works for me like that.


Sometimes I find that around times of anniversaries of losses in my life (a divorce, or a death in my family) I get that way. Sometimes just realizing why, or doing a little grieving, or a change in my routine or of scenery helps.


I am a nature lover. So when I get in moods I love to go out to the park and just sit on the ground against a tree. Helps me ground and center. Lets me talk about my mood w/o sticking in their opinions. Sometimes that is all you need. To talk it out w/o any feedback from anyone. Get it off your chest… Helps me… :deciduous_tree:


I take a nap, most of the time afterwards everything feels better. If not, then idk I just cry and nap again.