I was looking at my wip pile today and was like I wonder if anyone has this many wips? I have:
One large dog
one penguin
three elephants
four bees
one duck
two leggy frogs
one shark
one chicken
one turtle
and one toothless
EDIT: I also have a blanket, dino, and a pumpkin pie turtle
Its alot i know
EDIT: I have 19 wips if i can do math correctly
Ehh I have a lot idk exactly how many
i have
an octopus im testing
new pattern for my shop
but this is not including the 2 orders i haven’t started because my uarn hasn’t arrived
I have too many to count.
I have:
granny square blanket,
caffeine molecule,
watermelon sweater,
raglan sweater,
Dino dog costume,
A million different little flowers,
Fingerless gloves,
Other fingerless gloves,
Swimsuit coverup,
A knit dress,
A crochet dress,
And about a million other things I can’t remember rn
i prob have around 50 in a pile
my pile is from just over the summer because i sat my butt down one day and finished about 30 things
Baby me (ps if anyone in that gc knows what happened to it lmk I can’t find the gc and need to finish making mine.)
Thats it for now.
My wips are currently
A sweater
A triceratops i am testing
That is probs an all time low!!
A cardigan I really hope to finish this month
okay …… from what i can remember:
- tapeworm
- knit skirt i’m testing
- full length dress for a concert happening in about ten days (i’ve barely started )
- four character plushies
- two album cover tapestries
- knit patchwork sweater
- snoopy plushie
- sunburst deco shawl (finishing this tonight if i can)
- rat the mouse test for bread
- sunflower car charm for my mom
- still need to weave in the ends on that massive blanket i finished eight months ago as well lol
I only have goosetav and a top pattern I bought a while ago.
I have:
Shop blanket
Granny sqaure bag (x2)
Net sweater
Flower fairy
Mini panda
Mushroom fidget
Probably more
i have so many half-made WIPs that i’ve lost count. its probably 50-75 things scattered around.
I have a lot but not as many as you guys. I haven’t counted in a while though
Guuurl you have no idea…. Lemme see…. That’s 4 billion plus 5 thousand… add a few thousand testing patterns…. That’s about…. I have no idea!!!
Not too many actually lol
- Companion cube
- Stash Buster September granny squares
I do have a number of projects I haven’t started yet though.