1500! 🥳🤯 Giveaway and what next? poll

Thank you to all the lovely Ribblrs who are supporting my work! I’m amazed to have have found so many fantastic crafters here. Hard to believe my shop has 1500 followers in less than a year! Congratulations @Fernando @milkteaD @Tappergirl259 ! You each won a few of my patterns AND can PM or comment below to pick one more single (not bundle) pattern of your choice!

Last time I had a poll y’all chose a special pattern freebie reward and I made the Avocaduo Bundle (still free for a limited time, click below to visit my shop and get yours today!).

I always have sooo many ideas, this is your chance to choose what I work on next! Whatever you choose, it will be a fresh design or add a fun new twist to a classic.


VOTE in the poll below, what should the special follower reward be when my shop reaches 2,000 followers?
Poll closes April 7, 2024.

  • Special new pattern free for followers (something tiny & cute like usual with multiple parts)
  • Tote bag
  • Animal/food mashup amigurumi (around 6-7" tall, much bigger than the usual suettle designs)
  • Craftalong of a veggie bundle that is free for a limited time
  • Something else, I’ll tell you in the comments
  • idc I just like answering poll questions
0 voters

Special bonus second chance drawing for anyone who read all the way to the bottom :laughing::heart_eyes: - comment below with your favorite pattern or bundle from my shop and you might win it! (click link above to check it out & help me reduce my fees)
Then add another comment with a pic of something you made using one of my patterns or a link to your journal for even more chances to win! Drawing on April 8, 2024.

Good luck and I can’t wait to see the poll results and your pix!


I love the baskets and the hats. So cute. Am I allowed to use my pattern test? lmao


Congrats Sue!! You deserve this so muchhh!!
I love the 2023 Breakfast Bundle


mini egg
this was a test I did for you! I had so much fun making it!! <33


I’d love to see new pix ofc but you can definitely use your pattern test! :camera_flash:


Ill take one when I get home from school! I will have my dog model it again lmao


I love this pattern bundle. Even just the basket, to go with the egg pattern I already have.


I always love cute pet pix! But I meant new projects from my patterns that I haven’t seen before, especially with journals, so no pressure to take new photos of things you’ve already shared. :slight_smile: unless you just want to show off your cute dog!


I always want to show of my puppers :smile:


You have two patterns I adore amongst loads of fab ones.

Tiny banana and sweet treats bundle

Well done on everything you make always amazing :heart_eyes_cat:


I haven’t made any of your patterns yet but I have had the tiny hats on my wishlist for soo long! Any of the paid patterns in my wishlist are just inspo for me to freehand later but, pagterns are easier sometimes. Anyway I’m happy you made it to 1500 :tada:congrats:tada::yellow_heart:


I hear you, I can freehand crochet almost anything! However, I sometimes buy a pattern to support a designer, learn a new technique, if I want to sell finished makes using their idea, or to make my life easier (especially if I’m making a last-minute gift).

As a designer I include helpful tips and techniques, pix, and videos to make it worth it to spend a dollar or two on my designs. :blush: I’ve been crocheting for decades and like to share my skills.

I appreciate all the work that goes into making patterns and like to reward designers for the inspiration they provide, whether by following and engaging on social media, sharing their designs with others who would like them, clicking their shop/advertiser links, or paying for patterns. Lots of ways to show appreciation! :heart_eyes:


congrafts on 1500 followers !! thats such a good mile stone! i really liked this food you made it is such a cute pattern and great for my little sisters toys!


Instead of a tote bag. How about a cute little toy chest for all of your tiny cat toys?!


That’s a fun idea! I’ve made baskets with a couple strands of cotton so they’re stiff enough to stand on their own, do you think that would be enough for a toy chest or would it need some reinforcing?


Thanks Meep, good luck in the drawing!

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Apple and orange :smiling_face:

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Yay I love them! So squishy and cute. :star_struck:


My wife Karen, chose the 2nd chance winners, congratulations! I hope you’ll share pix or journals of your makes. :blush:
@Raynestorm hats
@ItsCoolCat360 breakfast friends
@RainbowPenguin2 hats
@Mentaldee banana
@littlemisswonderful breakfast friends

Thank you all for your support and follow for more giveaways! I’ll have a brand new tiny foods bundle out by the end of the month. :blush:


Thank you!! I love the little hats so much!!