I’m following your shop.
@NanaJanice @Stinker
Omg congrats!!!U deserve it ur patterns are soooo cute. I’m following u and ur shop! @EveIsCool
OMG CONGRATS PICKLEEEEE!! i’m so happy for uuuu!
ofccc im following both ur shop and u
@JaeaRenee @RainbowPenguin2 @SunshineStudio @FluffyYarnCreations @Elaya @ellacrochet21 @OmniStupid @sakuracrochets @OMLET
Congrats!!! I am following you and your shop!
@craftycellist @TheNeedleNook
Congratulations! I’m already following you and your shop.
Ofc I’m following!!
@sakuracrochets @RainbowPenguin2 @JaeaRenee @Elaya @notmimi @MaddiIdell @EV13isSPOCY @SunshineStudio @OMLET
Congratulations! I am following your shop and I’m also following you. I’ve been following you and your shop for a while now. I also wish everyone good luck!
Tags: @ForgottenStrawberryEm @Jbear13 @craftycellist @anon92679035 @4dium @JaeaRenee @anon71880916 @littlemisswonderful @SunshineStudio
@ellacrochet21 you tag me in everything so I thought it would only be kind to tag you back. Love you!
I am following you and following your shop!
Please enter me! Thank you!
Following you and your shop.
How could i not be following you already.
I just hit 200 followers too recently.thanks guys
@Elaya @SunshineStudio @craftycellist @ellacrochet21
thank you and congrats to you too!
@Elaya @laurascraftedcollectibles
I’m folowing you shop and your profile!
OK, how have I not been following you until now? Congratulations! @Ckasner @skcreativestudio
Yayyyyy congrats Pickle!!
@TheCrochetingGoose @SunshineStudio @RainbowPenguin2 @craftycellist
congrats pickle!!! been following u ever since!!!
@ellacrochet21 @anon92679035 @SunshineStudio @CreshesxCritters @kodaa @XxTheCosmosxX @LittleCreatures @alienlynxie @sakuracrochets @anon24942699
Congrats pickle!!! I am following both you and your shop!
@LoafOfBread @SweetTomato
omg congrats gurllll!!! so proud
gotta tag the peps: @notmimi @SunshineStudio @craftycellist @MaddiIdell @anon92679035 @EV13isSPOCY @ellacrochet21 @Smallpandafries @RainbowPenguin2 @potatofan sorry if i forgot anyone!!!
oooo also @littlemisswonderful sorry i almost forgot u!!!