Okay soooo first off GIVEAWAY !!! I can’t thank you all enough for supporting my shop! I never thought that 2000 people would love my patterns!
tbh I never thought that anyone would like my patterns so Tysm
First place! (1 winner)
Custom pattern! (I will be allowed to put this pattern up in my shop but you will get early access if you want! )
Shop follow, and 5 priority tests! (to use the priority tests, when I posts a tester call just comment “priority” along with everything else, along with how many priority tests you have used so far! (For example if you have already used 1 priority tests on the next test you apply to just say “priority #2”
Second place! (1 winner!)
1 shop follow, and a half custom (a half custom is where I have more creative freedom!
, which means I just get to have a lot more say in the design!)
Third place !! (2 winners!)
you get a shop follow, 1 pattern sneak peak, and 1 priority test!
To enter: comment your fav/most recent make, tag at least 1 person, and if you want you can tag your favorite designer and/or your favorite pattern! For more entries: for 1 extra entrie. show proof of owning one of my patterns ! For another extra entry show something you have made with one of my patterns! (so fir every one of my patterns that you show you own you get an extra entry and for every pic of something you’ve made from my patterns you get an extra entry! The limit for entries is 5!)
And now we move on to future designs! First we have a pangolin I’m gonna be making!
And know for voting! These options here are for ribblrs valentines challenge what I will be designing a pattern for! (Pls give me more ideas below!)
- Dragonfly page option #2
- Love bug!
- Blueberry dragon design #1 but holding a heart instead!
And just some other pattern ideas!
Feel free to give me more design ideas that I should sketch out!