Hi guys! I just checked, and I’m at 100 shop followers?!? I’m not able to do a big giveaway, but it’ll still be fun :3
Prizes: 1 Ribblr:
-Collab or SMALL custom pattern (sorry 50 followers giveaway winners I’m still working on them) ,
-shop follow,
-2 priority testing. 1 Ribblr:
-3 priority testing
-Shop follow 1 Ribblr:
-1 priority testing
-Shop follow
How to enter?
-Comment 3 favorite emojis
-What time is it for you?
-Tag 3 people and say something nice about them :3
-Follow my shop
-Add 1 of my patterns to your wishlist
Thank you guys so much for 100 shop followers! I’m so happy :3
woah congrats leafy!!! that’s amazing!! even tho it doesn’t show in my wishlist, i do have your flower bookmark wishlisted (pic for proof) also it’s about 7:36 for me @anon59641072 i wish i could have as much motivation and as many ideas as you do, you’re so creative and i love it @anon78931971 i just think your really cool honestly, im sure I’d think you were really coll of i knew you irl too @kaileonard590 just reminding yiu how awesome you are <33
I followed and I added the Mallard to my wishlist
My three favorite emojis are:
It is currently 6:50 p.m. @Zmonty13 You are so nice and fun @littlemisswonderful you are so creative and helpful @LoafOfBread your shop is so neat and you are amazing
Rn it’s 9:10!
I’m already following and I have pavlova and the mallard in my wishlist!
@ClaireCrochets247 you’ve just been such an amazing friend and I love listening to all your stories lol (also I can’t believe we’ve been friends over a year already!) @Elaya you’re always so fun to talk to and a great friend that I’m super thankful to have; you’re so talented (and my Canadian bestie!) @FluffyYarnCreations I’ve made so many fun memories with you that I’m gonna keep forever, and all the conversations we have are amazing! @Itsfayfay4 you always lighten up the mood and are so funny to talk with! I also love how creative you are!
Congrats u totally deserve this
9:04 pm @NanaJanice thank you for being the first person to follow me @craftybear2 you are just so amazing @T1R3dKn1tt3r love your makes, im glad you’re testing
Ofc already following and have a pattern in my wishlist
My fav emojis are
It is 6:51 AM here!
I’ve been following your shop, and I have your mallard duck in my wishlist.
Congrats! @LoafOfBread@SweetTomato@SunBreadArts
Congrats! I’ve been following for a while and have your mini mallard in my wishlist!
8:19 am @MayaPapaya7 Your crochet wars entries are always so fricking cute! And you are so kind and creative! @craftycellist Once again you jumped right into testing for me! I can’t wait to see what you make! @sunshinestudio You are so amazingly sweet and talented! Each of your patterns are adorable and you can talk to almost anyone on here!