Im Hawkins, ive been crocheting for 2-3 years, i joined a couple months ago, im 14 (almost 15), i mostly do amigurumi, i also do jewelry making(primarily earrings) i love ST, I go to a trade school and I hope to take Carpentry.
Fun fact about me: I will almost pass out if i see blood but I love to watch horror movies and i dont care how gorry it is.
Hi, I am Stella. I have been crochet for 3 or 4 years. I joined Ribblr at the beginning of October this year. I love making animals. I can also make beanies, pillows, and purses. Right now i am crochet my very first sweater for my mom for Christmas. I also like sewing and making bracelets. I am homeschooled.
Fun Fact—I live in Montana. I love horses, cats, snowboarding, crocheting, and dressing like a cowgirl.
Also i go to church and i am a Presbyterian.
Omg, I love cubing too~!!
Hi, im Dudú (its my nickname btw)
I started to crochet in may thanks to a friend and all my knowledge is based in Youtube and Instagram tutorials
I joined in July but i discover this huge community this Friday so im excited to see what happens in the future.
Fun fact about me: im get excited and jump like a child when i enter in a yarn store
hey! I’m Liliana and I love to do art, crochet and dance.
fun fact…my friends call me little pickle and puny pickle for no reason sooooo… yeahhhhh
Hihi! I’m sophia, most people call me soph, sop or bulldog :3
I started to crochet abt a year or 2 ago… I dont remember lol! I do mostly amigurumi, sometimes graphs and pouches and little wearables from time to time. I love to read and write stories and… MUSICAL THEATRE!!!^^
Fun fact: I’ve written 2 novels! (and a lot of short stories)
Hi my name is Evanlyn (Eva) I started crocheting when I was 8. I stopped for a moment and now I’m crocheting again for like 2years. I like crocheting, being with friends and talking to all of you.
Fun fact: if I pass a yarn store I go there the next day or when I’m alone.
Novel nr 1: Preschoolers have gone missing, and no one knows why. It’s up to Cassidy Case to solve these mysterious problems. Will she find the innocent children before the time runs out?
I’ll tell u abt novel nr 2 when I get home :3
hi i’m goosey or goose, and i luv maine coons. i’ve been crocheting for abt a year and i don’t rly have a fun fact.
No, not yet, but I’m not relaly interested in having these ppublished. Thanks so much tho!
I have actually published my 2nd novel, but only a few copies for me and my family so it isnt for sale
Aw thank you!
Hihi I’m RacoonRex96
Racoons are cute and so are T-rex
I got back into crochet recently haven’t done it in a few year but has become my current fixation, the dopamine is good currently hoping it’s a fixation that stays
Fun fact: i love animals and over the years me and my family have basically had a zoo, pretty much had all the animals not all your normal/typical ones either, feel free to ask if you’d like a list of what we’ve owned over the years
Over the years we’ve had
Cats, dogs, birds, fish, mice, rats, gerbils, hamsters, snakes, frogs, a toad, a tortoise, i had a gecko for a little while, turtles, a jumping spider and a bunch of tarantulas
Awh thank you so much
Hi! My name is Lois (or Lolo) I’ve been crocheting for about a year now and I LOVE it. I also love things like drawing and baking. I started making patterns a couple months ago and then I found Ribblr and now I love it here.
Fun fact: I was born in the UK moved to Canada and now I live in America.
feel free to dm if ya want to chat!
Our Ts are so cute i love them, my bf had arachnophobia before he met me
If you insist that your ts are cute then that makes me wanna see them