A Link Suggestion ๐Ÿ™โ›“๏ธโ€๐Ÿ’ฅ

Hello people of the internet :3
For those on Smart Phones & Tablets, you may understand what Iโ€™m about to say.

So when I click on a link (for a crochet pattern, instagram profile, or any link in general), it takes me to the site through my search engine, and I view the content, yadayadayada.
But I want to come back to Ribblr to continue looking at the post, liking, replying ect. The link I previously clicked on, pops up, and thereโ€™s no click back button or exit button to get back to the post. So, I have to exit the app, restart it, then I have to go to my activity part of my profile and find the topic again (which is quite annoying). :person_shrugging:
I think it would be very useful to either add an exit button, or just remove the link on Ribblr all together, because it already takes you to the website/app in a separate forum/browser.

But this only accounts for my IPhone, Iโ€™m also signed in on my laptop as well, and it works perfectly, so no complaints about that.
Anyway, my apologies for the long post, not sure why I used so many words :rofl:, thank you so much for reading if you did! :heartpulse:
Any thoughts??


i dont know if it would work on mobile or not but what i do when i dont want to lose my spot when im on desktop, i hold ctrl and click it (opening the link in another tab)
you can also do this by left clicking the link you want to go toโ€ฆ
maybe this could work by clicking and holding on mobile?


I know what youโ€™re talking about, I have an iPhone 14 idk what you have, but for me if I swipe the screen to the right it goes back to the post I was previously looking at.

Put your finger in the circle and swipe to the rightโ€‹:blush::sparkling_heart:


Iโ€™m not sure I could hold on ctrl and click the link at the same time. :person_shrugging::rofl:


Yes! Or add a button that can just search all the patterns and easily add a link to them! Or at least be able to link multiple patterns at once! I have that problem too!


Thatโ€™s exactly what I do and it works perfectly fine


Wait- actually, Iโ€™m dumb. It works :rofl:
Thank you!




@leaders, could you unlist this topic for me?