A poem for Valentine's Day?

Been up since 0515, made coffee at 0630, and daughter feel asleep on me, so it’s sitting there not drank (thankfully in yeti so not getting cold) :sob:
I think this poem is better than I could currently do considering my brain malfunctioning this week, my daughter being sick, and the aforementioned lack of coffee :rofl:


I need tea and yarn!

Hppe your daughter gets well soon!


Coffee and yarn is the perfect combination!

Hope she feels better soon! And you get your coffee and yarn (and some rest lol)


what they said:black_heart:


Thanks y’all! Thankfully it’s just a cold, I’m just being bitter because every time we make it to church and she goes in the nursery another girl always gets mine sick :pensive: I need to let it go, but let’s just say “God’s still working on my heart” :woman_shrugging:t3:

I did get my coffee finally, and hopefully I’ll get a little yarn time during her afternoon nap…


feel better get well soon GIF by Greetings Island


My daughter always says it’s building immunity. Rest when you can.


I keep going back and forth about if I want to wait until this "cold/flu season is less or if I want to help build her immunity… But I’m thinking the other girl is probably getting it at day care and obviously isn’t building her immunity… Also considering my health, I can only handle so much of my children building immunity :woman_shrugging:t3:
It’s a conundrum…



Cracked me up!!

“Isnt building her immunity…”


I hope your daughter gets better!


chocolate and yarn here!


i’ve gotten my cold (was a head cold with lots of sinus activity) that took about 3 weeks of ugly sinus stuff and 3 more weeks for it to clear up (mostly) and then a bout with a rather ugly stomach bug with nausea (fortunately no vomiting) that lasted almost 2 weeks. Tho on a positive note in that 2 weeks I lost 6 lbs, now I just need to keep it off, and I am off sugar, yeah! LOL what I was trying to say was I caught these from my grandson, who caught them from his mom (my daughter), who caught them from her work (retail). So Church isn’t the only way to “catch” stuff, sigh, it’s ugly out there! Make sure you are taking zinc, magnesium, D3, and C. Generally the vitamin bottle gives the correct dosage for adults, so unless your doctor says you can take more, I’d stick with the bottle instructions.


I take zinc, magnesium, Vitamin D3 daily. Been taking lysine too.
Vitamin C drops cuz always have a dry mouth from my meds.


I’m sorry you went through all of that, that does not sound fun!
Yes, I know it is flu/cold season and it’s especially bad this year, but I also know that we don’t go anywhere, so she has to get it from church… We also know that every time we go to church we walk in and this particular girl is coughing and had snot running out of her nose, so we know it’s the same girl getting ours sick… :woman_shrugging:t3:
I do need to get back to taking my daily vitamins though, and hubby just bought some immune support vitamins that hopefully some of the vitamins will also pass through the breast milk to babygirl…


Your baby would be sick more often without breastfeeding. So you go Woman!


There are days when I don’t get any fancier than “Roses are red, I’m staying in bed.” Lol. But hopefully you aren’t at that point! :pray:


Time to talk to your pastor about asking the parents not to bring their little one to the nursery when she’s sick with a fever, a runny nose or a cough (unless the cough is just aftermath stuff and not contagious) for the sake of the other children in there.


You know, I didn’t think of that. Excellent suggestion.


Yeah, that’s in the plan… We stayed home this last Sunday due to our daughter being sick, but definitely something we want to mention… Another member mentioned that when their children were in the nursery, they were always sick too and I replied that it’s such a foreign concept to me because our previous church had that as a rule (my son was never sick from church 12/13 years ago)…


Plus, someone needs to “clean” that nursery! Wipe down walls, ,wash and disinfect the toys-let then air dry. Wipe down all the doors, and doorknobs.
The place needs a deep disinfecting, then upkeep is easier.
When I watched the babies in nursery, I arrived early and wiped down everything, the doors, doorknobs, chairs (every inch of it), tables ( including the legs), the walls near the baseboards, the baseboards, the changing table from top to bottom, etc.
afterwards, do all of above again plus disinfect the toys by washing in Lysol solution and let air dry.