Abbreviation suggestion

Hi! I’d like to suggest adding “crab st” (and/or “reverse sc”) to the crochet abbreviations and tutorials list :slight_smile: Knowing the Ribblr team, that’s already in the works! But just in case it’s not, I think that would be a great one to add. Thanks!


Standing stitches (sc, dc, etc) would also be awesome!


Hi Allison!
Thank you for the suggestion, we are working on a few more additions to the st library, and crab st is one of them. We will let you know once we update the database!


Hi Allison!
Regarding standing stitches, the stitches themselves (as in: sc, dc
) are already in the database.
The ‘standing’ part of it basically refers to how you attach the new yarn to the work.
We consider that to be an ‘extra’ instruction that doesn’t specifically creates a new stitch, but rather indicates how to start the basic stitch, so at this point we don’t plan on adding those, although we’ve notes that and will keep it in mind for future versions!
Thank you again for the feedback!

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That makes sense! Thanks :slight_smile: One more that came up as I was adding my most recent pattern was picots. I normally use “pc”, but I noticed that generates the popcorn stitch in the abbreviation list, which also makes sense. I just changed mine to “pct”, so no big deal. But I figured I’d throw picots out there as another stitch in case other designers would also find that a helpful one to add!


Thanks for the suggestion, we will add them in the next batch as well!
We know they are usually abbreviated ‘p’ so that’s what we will have on our database. Again, we will let you know when we update the database. Hopefully it will be next week :slight_smile:


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a pattern using the abbreviation ‘p’ for picot. I’ve only seen it as pct or just picot. I think I would use picot. But there are variations of it so I would recommend not linking it to a video because it could be wrong.

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thanks for adding crab stitch. I just used that in a new pattern.


Thank you for the feedback, we will look into that!

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Could you also please add FPHDC and BPHDC? Thank you!


Hi Lori! :purple_heart:
Thank you for the suggestion!
We will look into adding these, and will update you once they are on the database.


Thank you!

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Hi Lori! :purple_heart:
Just to give you an update that BPhdc and FPhdc are now on Ribblr’s database.
You can find them when you click the ‘Stitches tutorials’ in the ‘Crochet’ page.


OUTSTANDING!! Thank you very much!