Am I adding testers wrong?

Hi all! I am not sure what I am doing wrong, but I’m trying to manually assign testers for a new pattern (did a tester call on Insta and not here) and I am unable to select just the pattern I want to test. For some reason “all” is my only option and I can’t figure out how to make it just the one I need to test! So now the testers see all of my patterns in their testing area, including those that are fully published. Thanks for any help!


i dont believe theres a way through that system to do just a singular pattern yet, they will have to apply on ribblr, on your pattern click the manage testing button and click post tester call, then click post and link them to that page for them to apply there!

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Thanks, I will try that!

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solution :arrow_up:

To do that you can send them a direct link using the testing icon on your shop. Once they click that link they’ll appear in your shop manager so you can approve them.