
Hello friends!
Thank you to everyone who has sent prayers and such kind words to me! As you may know I will be leaving the Ribblr community. I’m sad to do this but I know in my heart it’s best for my mental health and faith.

I will be posting on this space still, but just less frequently!! I still want to be able to share the Good News to others and I’m grateful for anyone else who would like to post at anytime!

God bless you all! I’m so grateful this space is here and being used for good, good things! I will continue to pray for all of you and I love you all so much my friends! :two_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Hopefully, you won’t go away completely,
Buy I get it, I left for a few months because of a person. When I found out that she was banned I came back. It was a good break.

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