Any patterns you want tried that are published already?

Hi guys! Not sure what i wanted to title this, but as Im restocking my plushies, i had an idea!

I know some patterns on here that are paid dont have makes, etc, but look super interesting.

So, are there any patterns you are interested in (for amigurumi specifically) that youre passing up because of no makes?

Im likely going to buy a few and can let yall know how it went!

Hopefully that made sense, im still recovering sleep wise lol


That sounds like a really great idea! I wish luck to all who participate in this :smiley:


Not sure if you are buying patterns or offering to make.
I really like the cafe bears but they have no makes that I can see.

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Both! But mostly purchasing patterns right now (i have about 3 or 4 patterns i need to finish up lol)

If you have a link to an existing pattern without makes, you can link it here.

If not, ill definitely keep that in mind for a future pattern!

This is one of them


I would also say the bear ones, they are on my list but wasn’t sure because no makes

Pretty sure there are more but I’ll check back later if I don’t forget, it’s a really nice idea @Alyphira


Im just about to purchase them! Im just trying to decide between singular bear and bundle.

But im down to try more if anyone has any more ideas or links, these can be to your own patterns as well! Although i know most active ribblr forum users run tests here.

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For the tea bear, turned out super cute! This particular pattern i think relies on the stiffness of the thinner yarn for the tea cup and saucer, so if you want it to look really neat, that would be my reccomendation.

However the bear itself scales wonderfully!

Directions were very well written, my only slight complaint being that stuffing itself isnt strictly described. Other than that though, based on this pattern, (and glancing through the others as i got the bundle) i would highly reccomend!

Just be sure you like sewing parts!