anyone want this pfp?

im currently practicing to be better at digital drawing, and here’s something in the making!

(in the future I’ll do like one of those pfp maker posts — once I get better ofc)

lmk if anyone wants it (lol you don’t have to use it— this kinda just give me motivation to actually finish my drawings :skull:)


ALSO, if you can, pls give me tips on anatomy :sob:


Omg you are so good!!! You’re so talented :heart_eyes::sparkles::heart:


Good job! I don’t really draw super realistically so I don’t think I can give much for tips. It looks really good though!


I cannot draw people, could never figure it out, so i can’t help with anatomy, but OMG THATS SO GOOD, YOURE SO TALENTED!!!


ty :sob::sob:


this looks really good!! def a lot better than when i started trying to improve for sure

as for anatomy: yeah it’s rough…. been working at it for a while and i still suck at it but this one video helped me a good bit: (idk if it’ll show up; its called “learning anatomy for art? study this first” and is by ergo josh)

helped me get a solid understanding of what needs to be happening (b4 i was just winging it) and now i’m a lot more comfortable drawing full bodies (a few months ago i rarely dared to draw anything past the shoulders)

maybe also look into the line of action; tough to explain here but it helps with fluidity of poses n such

best of luck!!! woooo this is a lot longer than i thought it’d be sorry :pensive::pensive:


yea I just started drawing people like 2 months ago — you’ll eventually get it c:


ohhh ty!! dw, I read paragraphs a lot lol


aw tyyy <3

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Can i have it? Also it looks AMAZING


I WANT IT I WANT IT I WANT ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT PWEASEEEEEEEEEE :pleading_face: :pleading_face: :pleading_face:


lolll suree


sure you can both have it lol



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um…i dont wanna have the same as her
pls choose who gets it

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GIRLY THATS SO GOOD OMG :revolving_hearts: :sob:
as for tips… I don’t really know lol, but I think the thumb is meant to be on the inside of the hand?? IDK!
You did very well on the drawing :heart_hands: :heart_hands:


Hey hey, not bad! I saw in a previous reply that you’ve been drawing people for about 2 months now? Impressive! I’m actually an art teacher, lemme see what tips I can give you for anatomy!

As far as anatomy goes, the biggest issue I see is with the hand - like bulldogcrochetss said, our thumb is usually pointing towards our body, not outward. Additionally, try mimicking the hand poses you do - after trying to mimic the pose the hand is doing here, it’s…quite painful, actually! The ring finger should be bending down a bit more, I found it painful to try and have it straight like in the picture.

You might also want to bring the eyes juuuust a bit closer together, at the moment they look a bit too far apart. The distance between our eyes is one eye apart, it looks like it’s juuuust a little bit too far apart.

But, again, with just 2 months of practicing humans, this is not bad at all! I can definitely see there’s an anime influence in your drawing, but that’s not a bad thing at all (I know that other art teachers would be all like ‘AAAAAAAGH no anime drawings in my class’, but honestly? If you’re drawing just for you, then it doesn’t matter!). I can keep going, but I don’t want to ramble more than I have right now, haha. Keep up the hard work! I can tell that you’ve been practicing a lot!


OH, I apologize for the double post, but a question about the hand: were you drawing the right hand or the left hand in this picture? I ask just because, if we can see the palm of our hand, our thumb faces in towards our body, but if we can see the back of our hand, our thumb faces outward. Trying to mimic the pose with the right hand, the back of the hand facing towards the viewer, the pose is much easier to replicate! So my best guess is…we’re seeing the back of her right hand? :0

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lol tysm
yea I’ve been drawing traditionally for several years now, I’ve just never drawn humans/digitally lol

(something I drew on paper)


yea- back of the right hand

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