i got money
and i’m in the mood for more books and my bookshelf is overflowing so…
plz help me fix that
i like reading horror/thriller type stuff, and i feel like I’ve read every YA book that fits that description (it doesn’t have to be but it’d be awesome if it was)
i’m not even kidding, i went to the library and asked a librarian for recs and 75% of what she recommended i had read
bonus points if it’s gay :)
The grimrose girls! (Murder, lgbtq, and theres two books) :DDD
read that! it was really good
(how’d u guess my 2 favorite things?)
A GOOD GIRLS GUIDE TO MURDER!!= trilogy, murder mystery, lgbtq+ representation, etc, and also suicide notes by michael thomas ford, but it has so more (how to put this?) seggshual stuff in it. also one of us is lying and the maid
Lol XD (I have no more recommendations now :[ that’s the only murder book I’ve read lol)
il agggtm, and i’ve also read one of us is lying and suicide notes (like i said I’ve read what feels like everything at this point lol) but i haven’t heard of the maid, I’ll be sure to check it out :)
the maid is really good, but sorta hard to follow jsyk
one sec, i have a whole shelf of this book genre ill check what else there is
Reverie is SO GOOD
It’s Just A Game
Moonflower (not horror, but good anyway)
lemme see if I can find more
Edit: I loved The Summer She Went Missing, not gay tho :/
thanks! they look really good :) i love books by ryan la sala. but i haven’t read that one yet
ooh I need to check out his other books then! tbh I didn’t know he had other ones lol
ok here goes: My murder, anything by truman capote, the dog, everyone on this train is a suspect, the alice network, i only read murder, anything be mitch albom, to kill a mockingbird, the marlow murder club & death comes to marlow, the mystery of ms christie, anything by terry pratchett, and also kinda: lord of the flies, the giver series, animal farm & 1984, fahrenheit 451, and yellowface
OKOKOKOK SOOOO if ur looking for a series, there’s the naturals series by jennifer lynn barnes- basically a bunch of teens working for the FBI to solve murders :) also if ur looking for more like AGGGTM, five survive and the reappearance of rachel price are both by the same author and are amazingggggg
omg I LOVE the naturals!!!
ooo i haven’t read any of those yet thx so much!!
i love the naturalsss
i think my favorite was the one where they’re in vegas because gambling
honestly holly jackson can do no wrong except killjoy… idk what happened there
have you read And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie?? you probably have, lol
no but it looks interesting, thanks for the rec! :)
Okay I have quite a few I love thrillers/horror, I didn’t know u did too(u might have to give me some recs),
- The island by Natasha Preston (I really enjoyed this one, It had a really good plot twist, other books by her are good too)
- It’s only a game by Kelsea Yu (bonus points)
- The midnight game by Cynthia Murphey (creepypasta)
- I have some others if u want them, these are just a couple