
I’m trying to add a bundle to my store but when I click “new bundle” absolutely nothing happens. I have been trying on and off since yesterday.

Can anyone offer advice?


Sorry, I got wrapped up in trying to see what happens when I do it and figuring out what was different in your screenshot… I did see the little lock at the bottom (that movement thing maybe?) that was the only difference, don’t know if that is triggering anything in the system.
So when I click it, a little get box will come up, and you use that like a search to find your patterns to add(it creates a drop down like when you tag a user) that took me a few tries to figure out what I was supposed to do.
I got nothing else, but I hope I was even a little helpful… I also added help and shop and removed crochet , since this is not crochet specific​:blush:


Can you please take a short video and send it to support@ribblr.com?


I know on mobile the layout can be a little wonky with drop down/pop-up menus hiding other things or being cut off. Have you tried on a computer or using the desktop layout in your mobile browser?


Thank you for your help. Have passed a video on to ribblr now so hope it gets sorted.


This is probably a stupid question but how to I get it to desktop mode on a mobile?


Not stupid! Every browser and every phone model has a different layout, so I can show you how it works on my phone, but it might look different for you!

That triple decker icon in the bottom right corner of my screen is the settings button.