I have around 60 patterns that need to be moved to Ribblr and I can pay $1 per pattern. Also, you can keep the patterns if you want and crochet and sell the toy. I just don’t have the time to do this operation and I’m willing to pay. I uploaded one of my patterns as an example and you’ll be able to use it as a reference.
If this is not allowed here, I apologize for posting it.
Welcome to ribblr!
these are cute
I don’t think this is inappropriate, but maybe a tad unrealistic.
I do not do ami, so I can only guess at the complexity of these patterns, but I do know that it takes hours to enter and edit my most simple patterns. I’m not sure the patterns plus $1 each would be enough. I’m also not sure I would trust all of my patterns to someone I did not know very well.
I do wish you luck though.
Hello, I am a pattern editor here on ribblr and i help people edit and write up patterns. So if you need any help, i am more than happy to. I have a lot of free time on my hands I think a way around giving away account details etc, you could create drafts of each pattern with just the name and photo, then select the person as an editor for the pattern so it can then be written up for you