This is so cute
I applied! This is so stinking cute
AAAAAAAAAAAA THEY’RE SO CUTE!!! I’d love to test them! :D.
So cute!!!
O. M G. SHE’S - SHE’S SO CUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. pls I want to hug her. sadly I don’t have the yarn for testing rn. but when I get some I WILL DEF TRY TO BUY HERRRR
one question- can I take a screen shot of her? I want to print it out and put it on my wall :3 not creepy at all
OMG!! I’ve been stopping myself from applying to pattern tests, but this one is too cute to pass up on
Let me pattern test your Daphne plsss I have the 2 types of yarn (one half thinner/thicker than the other)
Omg this is the coolest thing ever my names daphne but i dont have the money right now to get new yarn sadly hope all goes well with teating friend
Yes, of course!
This is so adorable! I just applied
When are you going to pick testers? I’m really interested in testing this pattern, but at the same time if I don’t get picked I would like to apply to other tests
Testers have been chosen
@leaders please close this post.
Oop sorry I just applied, just saw your comment that it’s closed. It’s so adorable, can’t wait for the pattern to be available