I need testers for my Squirrel in acorn costume - Crochet ePattern
Due Date: February 28th (abt one month from now)
Additional Requirements: Ahhhhh hii Ribblr people!! I’m back with another pattern meet my squirrel in an acorn costumethis pattern didn’t turn out exactly how I wanted it to, so I know it’s not perfect, but I still think it’s cute and decided there’s no harm in releasing it as a free pattern!
-The pieces that need sewing are the 4legs, the tail, and acorn stem. The ears are crocheted on directly in the round, and the acorn costume is one piece.
-the costume is removable!
-how to color change
-crocheting pieces on in the round
-NO GHOSTING!!be active in the gc
-reply with feedback
-finish by the due date and make a journal with good quality photos
-you can either make just the squirrel, or the costume to! (Although I’d prefer you do make the costume too)
-like this post
-follow my shop
-reply that you would like to test
-optional: tag a few friends
Click pattern photo to apply:
Some more photos with and without the costume —>
AWW THIS IS SUCH A SQUIRRELSAUCILY AMAZINGSAUCILY FANTASTICDIDILY SQUIRREL <3333 i wish i could test but GRRR sigh self control (tryna fulfil my new years resolutions) so GLWTT!!
I would love to test this!!! It’s so cute I must have it in my life!!!
I would use Big Twist Posh yarn in the colors croissant and this cinnamon color ( not the actual name, I lost the label but it’s like the color of cinnamon) for the squirrel and then for the acorn, I may not make it because I don’t have a darker brown, all with a 5.5 mm hook