Craft and Prayer Time 🙏🧶

This project was one I created for my younger brother. It took a lot of time, and it was a labor of Love. God used this to show me how to better love my brother instead of always focusing on our differences.

When you start a new project, pull out another to continue, or finish one, do you ever think about God?

I never really thought about Him while crafting before, but I was reading my Bible one morning and found this Scripture:

"Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will succeed." Proverbs 16:3

So I sat and thought about it for a while, and it clicked. “Hey, why don’t I ask God to help me with my projects?” So I started saying a prayer that goes like this:

“God, whether I’m starting a project, continuing one, or completing one, I commit it to You, so it will bring You glory. I ask that You assist me and give me wisdom while I work, and keep my mind focused in a positive place while I work. Thank you for caring about me, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

So, I challenge you to do the same! Pray over your crafty plans, WIPS and FO’s.

If it’s a gift, pray that the person will be blessed through using it.
If it’s for you, meditate on God’s love for you, and remind yourself of His presence with you.

Take the time during your needlework to tune into God. For example, with this rectangular pillow, I would think about my brother. Many times, the thoughts would turn negative, but when I would stop and seek God about it, He reminded me to think good thoughts about my brother. So this pillow turned into a prayer project.

I grew more in love with God and also with my brother, and I see him with eyes of grace way more than I used to. It’s wonderful how I was just talking to God about my work, and He helped me overcome bitterness.

Try this out and see what God can do for you! Love always, your sister @sonflwr-98 :heart:


Im making stuffies for my cousins, and i was planning on making my cousin a golden retriever stuffie since their dog died amist 2020 due to a car speeding down a small road. I really hope it comes iut good and he likes it! All in the memorial of max, said pup lost due to reckless driving. I miss you </3


Thank you for sharing that prayer, I will be using it often now. I love this idea of committing your hobbies and crafts to God! I love gifting people things that I make and I’ll be praying over them and praying while I make them now! :blush:

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Awesome, so happy I was able to share and encourage you today! It actually makes crafting more fun and the hard ones are easier to get through :smile:

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That’s really kind of you to think of your cousins like that :heart: thinking of the person you’re making gifts for, even talking to God about them, really helps to make the project a keepsake. I think it makes it more precious to both the maker and the recipient :blush:


“Oh, it doesn’t matter about the rest, if I got You, Lord, i’m so blessed!” -Cain

This is a Lily of The Valley car ornament my mom requested. The last 3 years have been taxing on our family, like everyone else’s, but God has always brought us joy and strength for the next day.

I looked up the pattern for this, and I saw someone say it meant “a return to happiness”, so I felt that it was the perfect encouragement for her :heart:


Yes, I pour out all thoughts to Jesus and He does something mysterious- the way I feel about whatever changes for the better even as i am convicted.