Craft Kits??

Is there a way to sell kits on here? I feel like there’s a lot of patterns I want to make but I dont want to buy a whole skein of yarn for, or hunting for notions is always a pain. I hate having to surf the internet for a zipper in the right color, matching yarn, stitch markers. And not everyone needs 80 plastic eyeballs (which is what happens every time I buy safety eyes).
Like, I’d love if kits were available, hell I’d make a bunch for my own patterns too.


That’s a cool idea!

Hi, are you referring to matching yarn to patterns? If so you might appreciate Smart Match which we rolled out last month! We’re slowly growing it but essentially it’s an AI-powered tool that matches existing yarn we have from our partners to patterns on Ribblr - all automatically, and you can customize it or just click once to add all to your basket.

I used to sell yarn kits for my mystery crochet along but decided to stop because it wasn’t economically sustainable for me. I’m focusing 100% digital items instead like my patterns, club and course. The profit margin is so much higher and I don’t have to spend any money on inventory that I don’t know where to store. :smiling_face: I think yarn kits can work though if you like to sell physical items and everything that includes. Follow your gut and try it out if you feel like it. :smiley:

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