Have a great day!
I do this everyday- I usually find my hook(s) minutes later beside where I was sitting
Have a great day!
I do this everyday- I usually find my hook(s) minutes later beside where I was sitting
I try to keep it in the same spot but at least once a day I have to get up and look in my chair.
I do that too!
It literally happened to me yesterday!
omg yes
Noo this is so relatable!!
I lose them inside my couch
The other day i crocheted a little pickle that i loved. I set it down beside me so i could put my supplies away. When i got back i couldnt find tve pickle. I still havent found it to this day
Me every day all day long!!!
Try looking where you put your supplies away at
My couch eats them
one time i was crocheting on the top of a bunk bed (i was in camp) and i climbed down the steps, i asked my friend to hold my yarn and hook so i gave them to her, and she put them down somewhere and when i got down i asked for them back so she gave them to me, but right was i’m walking out the door i realized i don’t have my hook so i spend the next 15 mins looking in the cabin for my hook (dinner was starting) and she was telling me that we needed to go and i was like “I’m not leaving until i find my hook!!” and then we spend like 5 mins looking for it, then she does to her bed and says “girl it’s right here” and i’m just stunned because I’m so blind.I can’t see anything that’s right in front of me
My hook seems to disappear and appear in random places.
Also happens to me with stitch makers, and needles
I lost three hooks in an hour and then they were hiding in plain sigt ofc
Don’t get me started on needles. Omg I will end up finding them in places I did not put it. I even found 3 inside yarns.
i swear they can teleport
I think they do too.
real!!! like excuse me how’d you end up on the floor.
Or under me.
I found one inside a plushie I’d made!