Did You Know? 🧐 You can join special events!

Welcome to our Did You Know? :face_with_monocle: (dyk) segment where we teach you about Ribblr features and tools you might not know yet!

Did You Know? You can join special events! :purple_heart:

Today, we’re excited to walk you through Ribblr’s fantastic lineup of special events. They’re like little presents for your creative soul, each with its own unique charm and opportunities. Ready to dive in?

Lucky Sunday: Win a pattern every week! :four_leaf_clover:
Every Sunday, Ribblr hosts a new Lucky Sunday event. Imagine winning a brand-new pattern every week! But here’s the catch: you’ve got just 24 hours to jump in. Keep an eye out for luckysunday to get in on the action because there’s a new winner every week!

Flash Thursday: Exclusive Patterns at 50% OFF :boom:
Thursday’s not just a day anymore; it’s your passport to exclusive patterns at a jaw-dropping 50% off! But remember, slots are limited, so be swift in snagging your favorites!

Monthly Awards: Celebrating our top makers :trophy:
Ribblr knows talent when it sees it, and with the Monthly Awards, you’re the judge! Vote for your favorite patterns, shops, and makes. Plus, there are prizes up for grabs!

Ribblr Treat: A free pattern every day! :candy:
Who doesn’t love surprises? With Ribblr Treat, you’ll unwrap a free pattern every day! It’s a treasure trove of crafting adventures waiting for you. Running right now for 7 full days! Each treat is available for just 24 hours.

Feature Drops :mega:
Your suggestions matter. That’s why we have Feature Drop events! We roll out new tools, features, and tweaks based on your feedback, tailored just for you.

Plus A LOT more​:star2:
Throughout the year, Ribblr introduces a medley of unique one-off special events. From the whimsical Ribblr on the Go to the adorable Bunny of the Day, each event brings its own flavor of creative fun.

So… what is your favorite special event? :purple_heart:

  • Lucky Sunday :four_leaf_clover:
  • Flash Thursday :star2:
  • Monthly Awards :ballot_box:
  • Other (tell us in the comments!)
0 voters

Want to learn more?
:face_with_monocle: Check out our previous Did You Know? posts.

You can always post your questions here on the community or visit our help center.


Honestly I can’t pick just one! They all are so great :laughing:


I love voting for the monthly awards so much!!!


how do you vote for those? :thinking:


Every month in the community section, Ribblr puts up a Monthly awards vote and you just read through it and pick your favourites! It’s very fun! And like they said there, you’re basically the judge


oh okay! i havent seen any of those lol but ill check next time!


Do the put them up on a specific week/day?

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